A difference of opinion divided this nation and brought it to a place of civil war, a war that devastated and nearly destroyed it.
This is believed to be one of the many copies of those word delivered on that day.
More than a century late, this nation elected its first president of African decent, President Barack Obama.
Regardless of the politics involved this country can celebrate its great accomplishment. This nation began as a group of upstarts and radicals and developed into a nation that serves its people. It struggled over differing ideologies that divided and nearly destroyed all that it had accomplished.
What is laudable is that we not only overcame this division, but the very people that were a significant part of the reason for that war are now represented in the White House.
The United States of America is a great nation. Is it perfect? Not at all, but its greatness stands in spite of its imperfections. I am proud to be called one of its citizens.
Please join me in wishing this great nation a very happy birthday as we, once again, celebrate our Independence Day.
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