Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Coming Together

I have been working like a...well let's just say that I've been working really hard. I found myself seriously behind schedule on the manuscript for the third PRINCESS KANDAKE novel and my fingers have been flying across the keyboard ever since. Not to worry, I'll make my deadline. You'll have book #3 on schedule, February 1, 2014!

I told you at my last posting that I had started a creative writing course for kids and that is going very well. I am totally stunned (in a really good way) at their level f creativity. In this week's session we're utilizing a brainstorming device for finding story ideas and then creating a story-line from these ideas. Oh my gosh! What a blast that was. Their ideas were flying around the room so fast that getting them all down was a challenge. You should have heard some of them. These are some talented kids!

Next month I'm forming a book club with some very special ladies. Per their request, we are beginning with book #1 of the PRINCESS KANDAKE series. Yes! they actually asked that the first book we discuss be PRINCESS KANDAKE: Warrior by Choice...Appointed to Rule. Okay, I am seriously stoked and over the moon! Of course we'll be using the print editions, but if you're interested you can find the digital editions here.

These are the main projects that I'm working on. Apart from attending book fairs and school visits, I don't have room in my schedule to take on anything else. I know, I know, I've said that before, but I really mean it this time! ...I think

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