Monday, August 26, 2013

YOU NAME IT! Contest

Here we go! The day you've been waiting for! Today is the day that you get to start coming up with ideas for the name of the third book in the PRINCESS KANDAKE series.

I'll be honest, I was concerned that once I launched the You Name It contest ideas of the title would begin flooding into my brain and I would come up with a title that I just loved. Well, no need to fear, NOTHING came to me. I guess that's good and bad.

So, let's get started. The blurb tells you a bit about the story. For those of you who have not had the opportunity to get to know Princess Kandake I've included a coupon for a FREE digital copy of the first book. Just click this link PRINCESS KANDAKE: Warrior by Choice...Appointed to Rule to download your FREE copy. Use coupon code BH24M. Feel free to share the coupon with your friends. It will be effective until September 30th.

Princess Kandake, youngest child of King Amani and heir to the throne of Nubia, has determined to continue her warrior training, but that is not the only thing that complicates her 14 year old life.
When the king receives a dispatch from Pharaoh Nakhtnebef of Egypt, Kandake is sent to find out why the pharaoh would need Nubia’s warriors to remain in that kingdom and why he has included a secret symbol within his message—help.
In Egypt Kandake discovers treachery and a poisoned pharaoh, the identity of the bandits that attacked their caravans, a Nubian orphan, and that she may be Sakhmet, the Egyptian goddess of war.
Now get going! Think! Read! Create! 

I will begin collecting your suggestions/entries September 9, 2013!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Great News and a CONTEST!

Here's the good news, I completed the manuscript for book #3 of the PRINCESS KANDAKE series. Well...I completed the first draft, at least. Now it's on to the editing and revision process. But I have a bit of a problem. What am I going to call the thing?

It has a working title, but I'm pretty sure it won't do for the completed book.  I thought I had figured it out the night I typed the final words, but that title did not stand up to the light of day. I think I need help on this one. So if you're willing to help me, I'd love it!

I realize in order for you to come up with a viable suggestion you need to know something of the book and a bit of the main character. For those of you who have read my books you have a head start, but I'm willing to help everyone catch up. If you are interested in helping with the title, comment on this blog and I'll send you a FREE ebook of the first PRINCESS KANDAKE book.

Wait! Why don't I just make a contest of it? Okay here goes. I will post a blurb about book #3 on the on Monday August 26th. I'll begin accepting suggestions on Monday September 9th and will announce the winner September 30th.

So here's where you ask, "Is there a prize?" Of course there's a prize!!! The winner will receive a huge mention in the acknowledgements of book #3, they'll get an advanced peek of the book cover, and receive a signed copy of book #3 before it's release date of February 1, 2014!

What to you say...will you help me?

Saturday, August 10, 2013

So Much to Do, So Little Time

I have been over-committed and overwhelmed the past few weeks. Determined to get through this with my mind in tact, I have made a point of turning new projects and requests away with as gentle a 'no thank you' as I can muster. In spite of the 'no thank yous' things keep coming, things that I must do. So I trudge on and take short naps where I can.

I was reading email and an author friend, Lynn Kelley, sent me a link to another author's website. Susan Kaye Quinn is stellar! Not only is she a fantastic writer, her videography is beyond words. She inspired me to do something I never even considered, create a book trailer. I have to share this.

Who would not be inspired after something like this! I am on a mission! I will do this!

Of course I can't start at this level, so I've laid out a plan. As soon as I get out from under the press of demands, I will begin fooling around with Movie Maker and trying things. I even ordered a book to help me with my newest endeavor. I can't wait to get started.