Sunday, February 19, 2012

Floating on Air

hot air balloon with cloudsI got back from my first book tour last night. It was awesome! How can I be so excited and exhausted at the same time?

My first stop was at Oxford Academy. There is no word to describe the students there. They are intelligent, attentive, and more than a lot of fun.  Here are a few of my favorite pictures.

Oxford_Stephanie_presentation_11 In this photo a few of the young ladies are exploring the world of ancient Nubian make up.

Here I am reading Oxford_Stephanie_presentation_26 Can you see the young lady following along in her copy of the book? Wow, this thrills my heart.

Oxford_Stephanie_presentation_31 I signed so many books and trading cards my wrist still hurts. I have to admit…It’s a good pain.

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